Firehouse Floral, Your Local Magna Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Magna

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 9 miles from the center of Magna.

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Firehouse Floral
1321 California Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Leave a Review
Ron LewisRon Lewis
3 weeks ago
These guys are awesome 👌
Julie DixonJulie Dixon
5 months ago
I received a dozen long stem roses from my husband who ordered them from Firehouse Floral. It is 8 days later and they are still beautiful! Thank you! I highly recommend this florist. They do wonderful arrangements!
Calene ThurmanCalene Thurman
8 months ago
Roger LovelessRoger Loveless
8 months ago
We needed two funeral arrangements made and sent to two places. Firehouse Floral got both done and delivered in record time and they are just gorgeous! Both families were very, very touched and very grateful. Thanks much Firehouse!